Saturday, April 18, 2015

What's new....

Case history samples- Others- 18/April/2015

D.C. Dutta's textbook of Obstetrics 7ed Revised 2014- ebooks- 18/April/2015
D.C. Dutta's textbook of Gynaecology 6ed- ebooks- 18/April/2015

Time-table - 2015 - Home- 30/Jan/2015

Forensics lectures - 6th year - 30/Jan/2015

Paediatric surgery- 6th year - 30/Jan/2015

Paediatric Infections- 6th year - 30/Jan/2015

Atlas of Human Anatomy "Sinelnikovaya"- ebooks- 06/11/2014

Harrison's Principals of Internal Medicine - ebooks- 06/11/2014

Surgery Short & Long  case History schemes-5th year  05/okt/2014

Clinical Immunology & allergology Textbook- 5th & 6th year 05/okt/2014

Extreme medicine Guideline- 5th year - 05/okt/2014

Extreme medicine Case History(blank)- 5th year - 05/okt/2014

Extreme medicine Clinical tasks- 5th year - 05/okt/2014

Extreme medicine Lectures- 5th year - 05/okt/2014

Therapy computer test for final with ans - 5th year - 05/okt/2014

Scheme of Surgery Dep. no. 1  - 5th & 6th year 26/sep/2014

Lectures of Surgery Dep. no. 1  - 5th & 6th year 26/sep/2014


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